Ganadera Barracas, an Uruguayan livestock company with farms located in the departments of Tacuarembó and Canelones, has a long history recognizing and encouraging practices to create environments conducive to carbon sequestration, increase biodiversity and support the animal welfare, as well as to support nature positive beef production. These practices particularly include taking care of our native forest. Responding to a growing demand from consumers for meat produced with carbon-neutral processes, we have completed the stage where the carbon neutrality of production in all the farms of Ganadera Barracas has been verified, through the balance between what is emitted and sequestered. This balance was verified under the strictest international standards by LSQA, a carbon footprint validation and verification body, which places our company producing certified carbon neutral beef in Uruguay, one of the first certified worldwide.
Obtaining the carbon neutral certificate, associated with other certifications in process, such as the non-use of antibiotics or growth promoters, grassfed production and good animal welfare practices, as well as management with regenerative grazing, the breeding of cattle genetics adapted to the pastoral environment and the recognized quality of our herd, it provides additional guarantees for consumers and endorses the strong business commitment of Ganadera Barracas with good production practices. The cattle genetic livestock improvement program, putting fertility, function and adaptation at the forefront of selection objectives for more than 25 years, guarantees cattle with genetic harmony to produce on grass. We are hopeful about the future of livestock production when it is done caring for nature and as a tool to improve our planet. We thank everyone involved, our buyers and, especially, our work team for making these achievements possible.